Golden Rules
At St Mary's Catholic Primary School, our aim is to create an environment where we acquire an increasing sense of self-discipline and confidence so that however old we are, we strive to be happy, secure, truthful, caring and respectful towards each other. Only then will we be able to teach, learn and grow together.
For any school to function effectively it is necessary to establish a working environment with clearly established rules and expectations. We know that our children function best in a calm and safe environment. The school also uses a set of 'Golden Rules' designed by the children and reviewed annually with them. These rules are worded in a positive way and are acceptable to all. They are clear and unequivocal and are displayed prominently in classrooms and around the school. St Mary's operates a systems of rewards and sanctions. Inappropriate behaviour is dealt with consistently by a carefully mapped 5-step system which includes a series of consequences, which are mainly managed by the class teacher. More serious anti-social behaviours are referred to a member of the senior leadership team.