January 2024 - July 2024
Headteacher: Mrs Nicole Pecchia (also Designated Safeguarding Lead and Data Protection Officer)
Deputy Head: Mrs Sharon Champneys (also Designated Safeguarding Lead and Designated Teacher for LAC pupils)
Interim Assistant Head and SENCO: Mrs Jo West
KS2 Leader: Mrs Martine Hastings
Reception: Mrs Caroline Sztymiak & Mrs Siobhan Wilson
Year 1: Miss Olivia Ayres
Year 2: Miss Chrissie Luque
Year 3: Mrs Joanna West
Year 4: Ms Hetty Wooding
Year 5: Miss Sorcha Rudgley
Year 6: Mrs Martine Hastings & Mr Steve Gailor
PPA/Cover: Mrs Siobhan Wilson, Mr Ray Rodgers & Mrs Laurie Bishton
Sports Coaches: Miss Jade Wozniak, Mr Stuart Kingwell, Mr Jay Heath and Mrs Jenny Lewis
Sports and PSED Mentor: Mr Robin Lett
School Business Manager: Mrs Caroline Moore
School Admin Assistant: Mrs Sue Hodson
Mrs Laurie Bishton (THRIVE practitioner)
Mrs Sharon Cottle
Mrs Kathryn Culf (THRIVE practitioner)
Mrs Samantha Evans
Mrs Jo Gane
Mrs Jacky Nzakizwanayo
Mrs Ann Thomas
Mrs Dawn Topaloglu (Emotional Learning Support Assistant)
Mrs Louise Weaver
St Mary's Catholic Primary School | Hosted by New Era Technology | DB Primary | DB Learning Library
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