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Charity and Community Involvement


As a Christian school we believe in supporting others and our pupils have many opportunities to support those who are less well off or in need. Every year, our chaplaincy team lead the pupil body in raising funds for a range of local and global charities as well as donations for local foodbanks as part of the Harvest Festival. Our PTA is also involved in charitable fundraising. Read about some recent charitable activities below or see the pictures above for some details. 

Community Involvement

We are fortunate to be part of a strong local community and develop our ties in many ways. We welcome local senior citizens to performances of our school plays and nativities. Our school choir sings for local citizens. We also get involved in local festivals such as WestFest. Our school council have been involved in efforts to get better facilities at the nearby recreation area, healthier walks to school and also a zebra crossing on Chandler Close.

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